Welcome to my site
I am a psychotherapist, author, and lecturer. I am fascinated with the complexities of our human existence. My mission is to work on promoting wellness and wholeness within, with others, and with everything that exists.
As a psychotherapist,
I accompany families, children, adolescents, and adults in their healing journeys through the use of scientifically grounded approaches.
As an author,
I have written numerous books, articles, chapters and therapeutic material for children that have emerged from almost 20 years of clinical practice and the latest findings in neurosciences and psychology.
As a consultant,
I am committed to supporting the growth of other mental health professionals based on my extensive experience working with families, children, and adults.
As a teacher and lecturer,
I am dedicated to providing trainings full of creative ideas, based on the latest research and literature to mental health professionals, paraprofessionals, educators, and parents.
AGATE Institute is dedicated to providing training opportunities that educate, empower, inspire and help cultivate advanced knowledge and skills for EMDR clinicians specializing in children, adolescents & adults.
"Our children's challenging behaviors signal the presence of unmet needs. The need to belong, to feel protected, to feel loved, and to feel safe."
Ana Gomez
EMDR Books and Kits By Ana
The Thoughts Kit for Kids
$50.00The Thoughts Kit for Kids consists of four sets of cards. Two sets are for young children and the other two for young adolescents. Each set contains child-appropriate positive and negative cognitions along with a VOC scale with which children can play and interact. In addition, The Thought Kit for Kids contains a 16- page booklet with specific EMDR therapy games and protocols that can be used with the cards.
Dark, Bad Day…Go Away: A Book for Children about Trauma and EMDR Therapy- Second Edition
$35.00Dark, Bad Day…Go Away is the first hard cover, illustrated book for children that motivates, prepares and guides children to use EMDR therapy. It is now available in Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese.
Let’s Have a Visit With Our Feelings
$35.00This book was written with a vision of assisting children who struggle with adversity and are unable to embrace their emotions. An important part of living a healthy emotional life is the ability to feel and accept our feelings. If hardship has occurred, being able to tolerate, mindfully observe, and hold with compassion the feelings associated with such adverse events will be an essential aspect of healing.
Stories and Storytellers:The Thinking Mind, the Heart, and the Body
$35.00This book is especially designed for mental health professionals trained in EMDR therapy to use with the children they treat. This book has been written to help children with histories of trauma and adversity better understand why they think, feel, and somatically respond to the present the way they do.
EMDR Therapy and Adjunct Approaches with Children: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation
$65.00This is the first book to provide a wide range of leading-edge, inventive, tangible, step-by-step strategies for clinicians working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system using EMDR therapy and adjunct approaches.
For Amazon Pricing and Special Offers Please Click the Link.
All the Colors of Me: My First Book About Dissociation
$35.00All the Colors of Me is one of the first books worldwide that embraces the goal of helping children and adolescents understand their dissociative experiences.
EMDR-SUDs & VoC Collection
$0.00The Subjective Units of Disturbance( SUDs) and the Validity of the Positive Cognition scales are used in EMDR treatment by EMDR trained professionals. Ana Gomez has created playful and image-based scales that are appealing and fun for children to facilitate their use. She has been developing this collection for several years and now she is sharing some of these scales with you! You may download them at no cost or make a small donation.
Suggested Minimum Donation
- Individual $5
- Agencies Distributing Multiple Copies to their Therapists $10
- If you are not able to pay that is fine too
Please do not distribute them yourself but instead share this link to this page so others can have access to this collection
My Helpers and Protectors: Therapeutic cards that work with the self-protective system of children affected by trauma
$36.00These therapeutic cards are for mental health practitioners working with children and young adolescents affected by trauma and adversity. They depict multiple trauma-generated forms of self-protection, adaptations, and defenses. Often, these defensive behaviors can create stagnation in the therapeutic process. These 42 double-sided cards and the 23-page booklet with therapist instructions were designed to support children and adolescents in accessing, embracing, and working through trauma-related adaptations and developing relationships with these essential parts of themselves. These cards use animals to explain, normalize, and validate the child’s survival attempts. Underneath defensive parts are emotions, somatic responses, and needs, and underneath, the wound they protect.
These cards should be part of a comprehensive, cohesive treatment where clinicians work on restoring safety at multiple levels (which quiets down the defensive and self-protective system). If the child is in unsafe, chaotic, rigid, and traumatizing environments, naturally and organically, their defense system will be in a state of activation, so safety must be restored first before using these cards. These cards should also be accompanied by work around increasing the child’s homeostatic repertoire and co-regulation with important attachment figures. These cards are used within a deshaming and depathologizing approach. Once the child plays with the cards, they can be invited to create a poster, puppet show, a sandtray world, and embodiments depicting their protectors.

My Helpers and Protectors Workshop
Join us for an exclusive FREE 45-minute workshop dedicated to the complexities surrounding the formation of defensive and protective strategies emerging from exposure to choric traumatization.
Brilliant training! Thank you, Ana, your kindness and sharing your knowledge with us! I enjoyed every minute of this training!
Complex PTSD Attachment and Dissociative Symptoms: Treating Children with Pervasive Emotional Dysregulation Using EMDR Therapy and Adjunctive Approach
This honestly has been one of the best trainings I have ever been to! Ana's presentation was thorough and data-based, especially supported and practical. I also took 26 pages of notes in 10 point font, which positively surprised me as the ease of interaction from a webinar. This was an excellent format and I will take advantage of it in the future. A+++!!
Complex PTSD Attachment and Dissociative Symptoms: Treating Children with Pervasive Emotional Dysregulation Using EMDR Therapy and Adjunctive Approach
This is the highest rating I have ever given a presentation. Ana's virtual workshop was outstanding!
Complex PTSD Attachment and Dissociative Symptoms: Treating Children with Pervasive Emotional Dysregulation Using EMDR Therapy and Adjunctive Approach
Brilliant!! I feel excited and inspired by this learning opportunity, also sad because I wish this could have been possible 10 years ago. I would have been able to access/learn this and be more skillful sooner. Speaking as someone far away from training opportunities.
Virtual- Step by Step: Making EMDR Therapy Developmentally Appropriate for Children and Adolescents
This was one of the best workshops I have ever participated in. The workshop has increased my knowledge base tremendously
Virtual- Step by Step: Making EMDR Therapy Developmentally Appropriate for Children and Adolescents
Please continue to have Ana Gomez present as much as possible! This was Great! I am trained in Theraplay and was thrilled to learn ways to integrate EMDR with Theraplay! ***** 5 Stars
Healing the Attachment System
I can’t think of a more inspirational workshop that I have recently attended. I have a degree in music and yet I seem to always need permission and or reminders to use my right brain with both adults and children. Thank you for an enchanting and incredibly educational afternoon. (I work mostly with adults)
Healing the Attachment System
Ana, you are an EMDR treasure! I am inspired by your creativity, your clarity & your enthusiasm. I am in awe by your genius. Thanks so much.
Step by step: making EMDR therapy developmentally appropriate for children and adolescents
Ana is so knowledgeable about EMDR and it’s effectiveness with children and she is so willing to share her insights and knowledge.